Monday, September 30, 2024

Meaning Behind 3 Dots

    Today's the last day of September and I haven't put out any blog posts this month. In order to not mess up my at-least-one-blog-post-a-month challenge for myself which I messed up in July, I dug up a blog post idea I had in mind from the very early days of this blog to finally let out into this.

    3 dots. A signature I've claimed as my own, pretty much a personal trademark at this point. It's my Twitter display name, I sign off serious messages with it, my Twitter profile picture used to include it, my goodbye YouTube video simply displayed them, and my it's part of the design of my selfsona's top if you haven't noticed already, among other things. So why 3 dots organized in a line? 

    When you see someone online send 3 periods, they're usually speechless in a neutral way. If they end their message with it, they're adding a bit of a space or leading into something. I've always had this weird attachment to the number 3 for a long time now and I don't know why. The 3 starter lives stereotype for video games? 3 offered starter Pokémon per game (I was heavily into Pokémon when it started to stick with me)? Trilogies and trinities? I'm not sure.

    Anyways, believe it or not (hopefully believe, considering the last paragraph), I kind of started embracing this 3 dots trademark thoughtlessly. I thought it was a nice and simple way to represent myself. As time has gone on, however, I've started to meld my own meaning for it. 

    As far back as I can recall, I first embraced these 3 dots in the early days of my Bandcamp artist account. I made it years ago, before I was even old enough to have one (which is why it's empty, though I promise I'll start using it eventually as I'm 16), and branded it the same way I did for my typical, casual social media accounts. Eventually, though, I felt it was a little too immature and didn't suit the type of mood or aesthetic I wanted to aim for with it. Desperate to switch things, I ended up making a simple black background, 3 white dots graphic as my profile picture to convey something a bit serious. It felt weird, having that as the picture representing me on there, while on my other social media accounts I stuck to my more cartoony side. That was until I experienced another small hate/troll raid on my Twitter account that I let my more serious side shine through that simple graphic representing me all over.

Meaning Behind 3 Dots

    Today's the last day of September and I haven't put out any blog posts this month. In order to not mess up my at-least-one-blog-...